
08 April 2024

Drupal 11: What's new and its system requirements


Drupal 11, the next major version of Drupal CMS, is expected to be released between June and December 2024. So what's new in Drupal 11 compared to previous Drupal version? and what are the system requirements? Let's find out through this article.

What's new

Here are some Drupal 11 improvements and features to look forward to:

  1. Enhanced Content Editing Features: Drupal 11 will provide a more user-friendly and efficient content editing experience. Expect improvements in the interface, collaboration tools, and content creation workflows.

  2. Improved Performance: Performance enhancements are always a priority. Drupal 11 aims to optimize page load times, database queries, and overall system responsiveness.

  3. New Capabilities for Developers: Developers can anticipate new APIs, tools, and features that make building and maintaining Drupal websites easier. These enhancements will empower developers to create robust and scalable solutions.

  4. Simplified Module Installation: Installing and managing modules will become more straightforward. Drupal 11 aims to streamline the process, making it easier for site administrators to extend functionality.

  5. Enhanced Security: Security remains a top concern. Drupal 11 will continue to strengthen security measures, ensuring a safer environment for websites and their users.

Drupal 11 promises to be a robust and innovative release, addressing various facets of CMS and providing a better experience for both content creators and developers.

System requirements

The system requirements for Drupal 11 are as follows:

  • Web Server: Drupal 11 works on Apache, Nginx, and other web servers with proper PHP support.

  • PHP: Drupal 11 requires PHP 8.3. The PHP extensions needed are PDO, XML, GD-library, OpenSSL, JSON, cURL, and Mbstring.

  • Database: The minimum database requirements include MySQL 8.0, MariaDB 10.6, PostgreSQL 16, and SQLite 3.45.

  • Composer: Composer 2.7.0 or newer will be essential.

  • Memory: Detailed information about random-access memory (RAM) requirements for Drupal is not specified for Drupal 11. However, for Drupal 10, the minimum required memory size is 64 MB, typically 128 MB or 256 MB are found in production systems.

  • Disk Space: The disk space requirement for Drupal 11 is not specified.

Please note that these are the minimum requirements and actual requirements may vary based on the specific needs of your website.

Always refer to Drupal's official documentation for the most up-to-date and detailed information regarding system requirements.